Sunday, March 13, 2011

**thi55 i5 m3 lyyk3 iht 0r not ;**

**Kikilia Iwalani Gogue Castro**
OKaii so i am Kikilia Iwalani Gogue Castro , && this bloqq is strictly about me .
  I can qarentee there are qna be some thinqqz about me tht yhu prolly not gna
like buht i can honestly tell yhu  i really dont care ; im me && thtz all tht matterz .
   So i guess the first thinqq yhu should knoe is tht i am 16 yearz younqq . Mah cake
dayy is April 17 . I am the oldest of three ... ugh pain in mah butt, i cant complain tho
  cuhz theyy do qeht most of their quidence from me . I live to, love, breathe, feel,
touch, read, && write muzikk . Thtz wuht mah lyyfe is about . I sinqq iht soothez mah ,
 I turn to muzikk for pretty much everythinqq ; anqer, tears, heart break, ect. Another
BIGG part of mah lyyfe is mah familyy ; wouldnt be here todayy w/ ouht them . Theyy
 knoe wuht to sayy ; i mean anyythinqq . Mah brother is 13 && mah seastar is 12 .
I hadd cancer for three yearz in remission qoinqq on 5 yearz . I am Chamorrow,
  && Hawaiian . I hanqq ouht mainly w/ SAMOANZ so DONT mess w/ me .
This is all i qott fo now . buht i knoe i'll be bakk cuhz mah adventure has onlyy bequnn ;

^^Thi5 i5 m3 lyyk3 iht 0r n0tt^^